Monday, July 2, 2012

Ernest Zacharevic Penang Art~

This artist name Ernest Zacharevic painted many kind of different image on the wall at Armenian Street, Muntri Street, and Chew Jetty at penang. This is just a old buildings before this, but now it turn to a wonderful artwork. The painting make the whole building become interesting and amazing. How can this artist think of this creative way to present his feeling and inspiration. The painting he draw really look vivid. The painting he draw really bring out the penang heritage feel. This will also attract tourist to visit those place. I hope I can visit there someday.

The images above make the drawing became more interesting. The 1st one, the people act like have been hit by the bicycle. The 2nd one is the people chase after the children. The 3rd is the guy sitting behind the bicycle. So this painting can show different kind of feeling. This series of image really inspired me and it really show the realistic in our daily life.

Google image (2012) vin_ann's blog. Retrieved from

Google image (2012) Beyond Toxicity's Blog. Retrieved from,r:26,s:28,i:262&tx=73&ty=48

Google image (2012) Retrieved from,r:2,s:0,i:78&tx=49&ty=91

Facebook image (2012). Retrieved from

Google image (2012). Retrieved from*u3J77ToAPzw2Mn2XCDsGmth0o8mvcqTTWfdNAwlONwOot6un/interactivestreetart19.jpg&w=720&h=558&ei=3g7xT6qaBsPSrQeb_c29DQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=328&sig=104212137940998015486&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=178&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:128&tx=144&ty=73

Google image (2012) Retrieved from,r:18,s:28,i:234&tx=76&ty=91

Google image (2012) Retrieved from,r:9,s:0,i:103&tx=70&ty=49

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